Hands-on Lead Generation, Sales and Marketing Support For Business Owners.
  • Help With a Decaying Marketing List
    Stop the decay - do not delay! We can help you achieve more from your marketing list or from your list of contacts.

  • Stay in Touch With Existing Clients
    Maximise your benefit when you communicate with existing clients.

  • The Persuasive Approach Letter or Email
    Sticks of dynamite designed to engage with a new audience.


The Persuasive Approach
Letter or Email
Plant a seed. Persuade potential clients to come to you.

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Help With a Decaying Marketing List
Rejuvenate and refresh your marketing and contact lists.

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Stay in Touch With Existing Clients
Regular contact brings forward buying decisions.

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New Era. New Day. New Opportunities for YOUR Business…

Give your business a sales kick-start……contact us for a free consultation.

What have we been offering and who have we been working with recently? Please take a look……..

Premium, qualified and exclusive new sales leads for businesses in:

  • construction
  • architecture and design
  • electrical maintenance and compliance
  • land drainage
  • IT support
  • derivatives and hedge fund broking
  • fleet management (for a bodywork repairer)


Does your established business need help making calls to new prospects? If you are following an agreed strategy and have emailed or mailed introductory information about your products or services, does your team have the time to undertake the very important follow up work? Give New Era a call to see how we can help.

We continue to see high demand from clients for the combination of email marketing (using an approach message, combined with e-shots) and follow up calling work to their in-house data lists. Do you have a list of prospects who you wish to re-engage with?

If you need support researching your target market, please get in touch. We will help you build an engaged community of prospective customers, customers and raving fans!