Hands-on Lead Generation, Sales and Marketing Support For Business Owners.

Lead Generation….. it’s a game of patience

As I have alluded to before, lead generation is hard work but somebody’s got to do it!

Here’s what it involves…..

For any lead generation campaign, patiently allow your lead generation activity to build a call back list of between 400 and 500 potential customers for each person actively involved in lead generation.

You will then:

  • Have this in place as a very strong base from which to build your sales pipeline.
  • Have a growing list of diarised call backs for between now and 9 months’ time. When to call back your potential customers will depend at which stage of the buying cycle they sit.
  • Put in place a rota of softer touches (by email, rather than phone) to keep potential customers updated with news, updates and offers.

Wow, between 400 and 500 call backs is a lot, Richard, I hear some of you say. “Does it really need to be that many before we start seeing a steady flow of new opportunities into our businesses?”

The answer YES because; as mentioned above, this level of activity is needed as a very strong base from which to build a chunky sales pipeline. The call back list will act as a soft, comfortable pillow to support your sales performance!

If you operate in a competitive market where there is a lengthy buying cycle, perhaps because a service is offered under a multi-year contract, you will have to be contacting your prospective customers at the right time ahead of the renewal date. Otherwise inertia might lead to them renewing with their current supplier or they might sign with a competitor, before you have a chance to present your compelling proposition. The end result: you will need a big list in order to reach sufficient numbers of new customers ahead of renewal.

If your proposition requires significant levels of trust because it is mission critical to your prospective customers, then you will need to build trust over time and across many touch points. Again, the end result: you will need a big list for significant numbers of new customers to be sufficiently reassured and trusting in your proposition.

However, if you offer training to introduce a new concept or a solution to help projects, products or services comply with new legislation, then perhaps your call back list could be smaller. But, under these circumstances, you will still need to put in place an active lead nurturing programme after the training, in order to keep your solution in the minds of those you have met.

I hope my thoughts above have helped crystallise some ideas for my readers. Look forward to hearing of your successes, where your campaigns have sizzled!

Napoleon Hill, a man much wiser than me, once said:

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

Until the next time, thank you for your time.

Best wishes,


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